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Power Diagnostix offers miscellaneous devices for the onsite commissioning or maintenance work. PD fault analysis by UHF or acoustic measurements can save time and money before a switchgear is going online.

Testes online e offline

Besides factory partial discharge testing for quality assurance, field-testing becomes increasingly important for gas-insulated equipment. For the field applications UHF and acoustic detection methods complement the low frequency detection according to the IEC 60270.


The AIAcompact combines the complimenting acoustical and electrical partial discharge detection for gas-insulated equipment in a lightweight and battery operated instrument. The measurement inputs provide the supply voltage for different preamplifiers and acoustic sensors. It automatically selects the appropriate operation mode for each test setup.
The AIAcompact comes with a built-in display and can be operated via integrated push-buttons. Measurement data can be stored and transmitted to a laptop or PC for further analysis.

PD analysis on GIS components


For in-depth field analysis of partial discharge activity the ICMsystem can be combined with a spectrum analyzer. Power Diagnostix has written a special software ICMspectrum to utilize and control spectrum analyzers of different vendors for partial discharge analysis (HP/Agilent 859xE, Agilent E4000, R&S FSL).


The portable ATTanalyzer is a simple and very effective tool to locate breakdown during the commissioning of GIS and GIL. Battery-operated acoustic sensors are externally mounted to the GIS and connected via fiber optic cable to the acquisition unit. In case of breakdown, the acoustic sensor transmits an optical signal to the ATTanalyzer, when it has detected the sound wave. The ATTanalyzer then displays the signals received from all sensors versus time like a logic analyzer. Following initial localization of the breakdown’s origin, the acoustic sensors can be repositioned closer to the flaw to further narrow down the location.