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Power Diagnostix Webinar in August

August 03, 2021

Free Webinar, August 11th:
Temporary Monitoring and PD HV Testing of GIS

This is a free webinar.

New solutions for PD testing and monitoring on Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) increase the flexibility and effectiveness of condition based asset management.

Online temporary monitoring of partial discharge (PD) is a hybrid solution that allows users to make continuous online measurements without the need for permanently-installed monitoring cabinets or long planning time for installation. With this method, your measurement equipment can be moved around instead of dedicating it to specific assets. This results in reduced cost and increased flexibility by covering a wide range of tasks from manual PD testing.

Real time parallel PD measurement on a scalable number of measurement channels, combined with a recording of the applied voltage during HV testing of GIS, eases and fastens the test procedure, limits the stress to HV components and provides additional option for an in depth analysis.

Presenter: Matthias Wiesmann

August 11th, 2021
10 AM CET and 5 PM CET

Gas insultated switchgear